(021) 855 1482/850 7543 admin@helderbergps.co.za

InterSen Phase (Grade 4 – 7)

At Helderberg Primary school
our teachers encourage learners to respect and honour God. Learners are encouraged to develop independent thinking and to care for themselves and others.
Our school
follows the Curriculum and Assessment Policy of the National Department of Education. Our class size ranges between 15 and 24 learners per class with one class per grade.
The InterSen phase
has dedicated SACE registered teachers who are committed to holistic excellence. Regular meetings take place to discuss academic progress, planning of work and setting goals to enrich our learners.
We strive
to develop the potential of every learner and to prepare them for the future
Teachers, parents and learners
work co-operatively to develop the best in each child. Our school chaplain is also available to support and guide learners when emotional or spiritual needs arise.