Incomplete forms / forms submitted without ALL of the relevant documentation will not be processed.
In order to complete this form successfully you should have the following documents available for upload:
1.Proof of payment, unless already provided by other means
2.Copy of most recent school report / report from pre-school.
3.Certified copy of child’s vaccination card/road to health.
4.Certified copy of child’s birth certificate.
5.Small ID photo of Learner.
6.Copy of any psychologist, occupational therapist, speech therapist or other relevant reports (if applicable).
7.Work books used by the learner should be brought with on the day of the assessment as follows:
⇨ Grade 2 – 6 learners: Languages and Mathematics work books.
⇨ Grade 7 learners: work books for all subjects.
8.Copy of a valid study visa (foreign learners only.)
According to Government legislation, all foreign learners need to be in possession of a valid study visa. We therefore cannot accept any foreign learner before such documentation is obtained from the Department of Home Affairs.
9.The original school transfer letter from the school where the learner was enrolled. (To be submitted once learner is accepted at Helderberg Primary School)
10.Certified copy of both parents’ I D documents.
11.Certified copy of persons’ I D document who is responsible for account (IF NOT PARENTS)
12.Proof of residence (For person responsible for Account)